Youth Advisory Committee


Shaqo Platform’s Youth Advisory Committee is a diverse group of 12 young advisors from our different member organisations. Representing a range of skills, competences, ages, genders, cities, socio-economic backgrounds, these dedicated young leaders bring invaluable perspectives that guide and qualify Shaqo Platform’s strategies, policies and overall programming. 


Engaging the youth, who represent more than 70% of the population and are our main beneficiaries, is crucial to our mission. Their insights and involvement ensure that our initiatives are relevant and impactful, driving sustainable change for the future of Somali youth.


We pay all members to demonstrate our commitment and value the contributions of our Youth Advisory Committee. This not only acknowledges their efforts but also underscores the importance we place on their involvement, insights and recommendations.


The Youth Advisory Committee meets several times a year. Meetings include internal learning sessions, joint meetings with Shaqo Platform’s Public Private Boards, and other meetings with relevant stakeholders. 

    What do the Youth Advisory Committee do?

    Shaqo Platform

    Participatory programming

    Our Youth Advisors are involved in all stages of our programming to ensure that our efforts are relevant and beneficial to the youth. 

    Shaqo Platform

    Strategy and Policy Guidance

    Our Youth Advisors help shape Shaqo Platform’s strategies and policies. They ensure our strategy  meet the needs of the Somali youth.

    Shaqo Platform

    Advocacy and Outreach

    Our Youth Advisors act as ambassadors that engage with the communities and sectors to promote our mission and raise awareness.

    Meet our young advisors

    Shaqo Platform

    Asma Muuse Yusuf

    Asma Muuse Yuusuf, 26, from Hargeisa, was selected and nominated to Shaqo Platform’s Youth Advisory Committee by YEEL. She works at Dahabshiil and runs her own online startup. With a background in software engineering, she effectively represents the youth voice and focuses on empowering women in business and decision-making.

    Shaqo Platform

    Ridwaan Ali Mohamed

    Ridwaan, 25, from Hargeisa, was selected and nominated to Shaqo Platform’s Youth Advisory Committee by YEEL. He is a visionary entrepreneur and owner of Labis Store. He has background in management, sales and marketing. He is dedicated to empowering youth through entrepreneurship and greater involvement in decision-making.

    Shaqo Platform

    Sundus Esse Adan 

    Sundus, 23, from Hargeisa, was selected and nominated to Shaqo Platform’s Youth Advisory Committee by YEEL. With a background in veterinary medicine, research, data analysis and communication, she brings valuable expertise and insight that empower Somali youth and ensure their voices are heard and reflected in our work.

    Shaqo Platform helps young Somalis find jobs to make their lives and communities better.

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